Power-ups keep you powerful through the day.

Hello Reader,

A good power-up is easy to start & easy to select.

When Mario is running through Bowser's kingdom, stomping on turtles and dodging fireballs, he needs to see his power-up clearly.

Seeing such an obvious (and visible) power-up makes his choice easy, and fast, and simple. Grabbing the magic mushroom turns him into Super Mario, and that's what your power-ups can do for you - if they are easily accessible.

The Personal Power-Up List

Take a few minutes and write down a list of activities that take you less than five minutes, and leave you energized.

Then, post this list somewhere you can see it - by the door to your office, by your bathroom mirror, or above your computer monitor.

The next time you are dodging metaphorical fireballs, trying to get throughout your day, you can look to your Personal Power-Up list.

My list includes things like:

  • Bounce on the trampoline
  • Sun salutations
  • Meditate
  • Juggle 3 balls
  • Forward bend
  • Phone a friend
  • Read a book
  • Make a list of gratitudes
  • Play with my dogs in the yard
  • Laughter Therapy
  • Play speed chess
  • Qi Gong
  • Dance
  • Play my Juggledrum

Keep a list of your favorite power-ups and close by, so when you have a few minutes to recharge, you don't have to waste energy deciding what to do, you just do it.

My Juggledrum is the latest addition to my Personal Power-Up list. Here is what it looks like in action:

video preview​


Stellar Platforms Newsletter

For experts and entrepreneurs who want smart marketing systems that increase their influence, income, and impact. Written by an πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ American digital nomad living in πŸ‡³πŸ‡Ώ New Zealand, Caelan started his career as an acrobat in the circus. πŸŽͺ He wrote the book on Marketing Yourself πŸ“™ and is on a mission to help one million people develop a playful attitude about life. ✨

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