Hello Reader, In 24 hours, I'll be going live with the Authorverse community to teach my newest workshop, '5 Business Models Behind Books.' Here are the 5 books I will be using to illustrate the 5 business models: (Yes, I am using my own book as an example. Teacher's prerogative. 😁) In working with so many experts and entrepreneurs over the past decade, I have been on the back-end of many businesses that rely on a published book as the cornerstone of their positioning. The 5 business models I will share tomorrow are:
Register for my workshop tomorrow, and I'll share detailed case studies for each one, as well as a copy of my Revenue Calculator. This Google Sheet help you calculate which of the 4 types of offers you should focus on next: 1-1, 1-Few, 1-Many, or 1-Any. Your book is the most expensive business card you will ever create. The costs of time, money, and creativity you invest in your book should pay off. Learn these 5 Business Models Behind Books to get the best return on your investment. If you are a published author (or you aspire to be one, but wonder how a book-based business can be financially successful) then register for my free Zoom workshop tomorrow: https://authorverse.club/page/expertseries-as We start in 24 hours. I hope to see you there! |
Generative AI improves your Productivity, Creativity, and Strategy - but only if you build the GenAI Habit. Learning how to incorporate GenAI Training into your day will help knowledge workers prepare for the future of work.
✨ Humans are the magic in the last 5%. Hello Reader, AI can handle 95% of the grind work - even for an S-1 IPO Prospectus. According to Goldman Sachs CEO David Solomon, this massive document used to take a six-person team multiple weeks to produce. Now, Generative AI can draft 95% of an S-1 IPO prospectus in minutes. Prompt: Rockwell style painting of 6 office workers overwhelmed by towers of paperwork But here’s the kicker. Solomon told the Financial Times, “The last 5% now matters, because...
🇳🇿 I am now a New Zealand citizen! Hello Reader, It all started 15 years ago, when my young family and I left the United States to seek better fortunes abroad. First we went to Costa Rica for a few years, which had its pluses and its minuses. Ultimately, it wasn't a good fit for us. Eight years ago we moved to New Zealand, and this week, we were awarded citizenship in our new home country. 💡 Why .co.nz ? When I pivoted my business from a digital marketing agency that helps experts and...
📊 Prompting is the most important skill of the future. Hello Reader, Good prompts get good outputs, and if you're not working on your prompting skills (promptly!) then you are falling behind. You know what they say, 'Garbage in, garbage out.' If your prompts are garbage, your results will be, too. But if you use a framework like PILLARS, you will clearly scope what you want a GPT model to produce for you. 💡 This structure will transform your outputs. Let’s break it down. 🧵👇 1/ Persona Who is...